photo of man with muscular body

How Do You Get Preworkout Out of Your System?

Preworkout supplements can be a great way to enhance your workouts and improve your performance, but sometimes you may need to get preworkout out of your system. Whether you have an adverse reaction to the supplement, need to take a break from using it, or are getting ready for a drug test, there are a few things you can do to help eliminate preworkout from your system. In this blog post, we will explore some methods to help you get preworkout out of your system.

What is Preworkout?

Preworkout supplements are a blend of ingredients that are intended to enhance physical performance during exercise. The ingredients in these supplements can vary depending on the brand, but some common ones include caffeine, creatine, beta-alanine, and nitric oxide boosters.

Why Would You Need to Get Preworkout Out of Your System?

There are several reasons why you may need to get preworkout out of your system, including:

  1. Adverse reactions: Some people may experience side effects from preworkout supplements, such as jitteriness, anxiety, or headaches.
  2. Drug testing: If you are an athlete or in a job that requires drug testing, you may need to get preworkout out of your system to avoid a positive test result.
  3. Taking a break: If you have been using preworkout supplements for a long time, you may want to take a break from them to avoid building up a tolerance or dependency.

How to Get Preworkout Out of Your System

  1. Time: The most straightforward method for getting preworkout out of your system is to give it time. Depending on the specific supplement and your individual metabolism, it can take several hours or up to a few days for the effects to wear off.
  2. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water can help flush preworkout out of your system faster. Water can help dilute the supplement and promote urination, which can help eliminate the supplement from your body.
  3. Exercise: Exercising can help increase your metabolism and promote blood flow, which can help eliminate preworkout from your system faster.
  4. Eating: Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fiber and healthy fats can help promote digestion and elimination of preworkout from your system.
  5. Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal is a supplement that can help absorb toxins and eliminate them from your body. Taking activated charcoal supplements may help eliminate preworkout from your system faster.


Preworkout supplements can be a great way to enhance your workouts, but sometimes you may need to get them out of your system. Giving it time, staying hydrated, exercising, eating a balanced diet, and taking activated charcoal supplements are some methods that can help eliminate preworkout from your system. Remember to always talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about using preworkout supplements or any other supplements.